We completely understand that context is vital. The School21 RWLP was designed for School21 – the location, the students and the staff. This course is not about replicating our version of the programme. Rather, we want you to take the parts you like and think will work for you and build your own version. The idea of the community is that then we share our different iterations and learn from each other!

Our RWLP Toolkit (designed in collaboration with the Edge Foundation) sets out in quite a lot of detail the process School21 took when developing the project. As part of this course, you have access to the toolkit for free! You can access it here:

Before the next live session, we would like you to have thought about the following questions:

What do you want students to come away with at the end of the project?

What do you want students to have produced during the project?

What will the programme look like?

What will employers get out of the programme?

What will the wider school or organisation get out of the programme?

How will you evaluate the success of the project to ensure it is meeting your aims?

Below is an example of how this might look and here is a template document to use if you wish.

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