Key information

The programme expectations

As a leader of BLA, your contribution is important. Whilst you will be heavily supported on your journey, we want our leaders to take responsibility and pride in the work we do together. To ensure that you get the most out of the programme, we will ask you to commit to the following: 

  • You will  attend as much of the BLA as you can (no less than 80%). The time we spend together is incredibly valuable. If you are unable to attend an event, we ask that you let us know with as much notice as possible.
  • You will engage with our communications to support the planning of the programme. We know that people working in education are very busy people and will try to ensure communication is as accessible as possible. 
  • You will give us feedback to help us grow and develop! You are part of one of the founding cohorts of BLA and we are continously learning.


We are asking for a contribution of £2,500 per year, for the two-year programme. This covers the cost of staff, facilitators, programme design and logistics. Once the programme has commenced, we are unable to replace any participants who withdraw at any point. The total contribution is therefore non-refundable due to the costs incurred. In the event that you’re unable to complete the course, the remaining balance must be paid in full. 

Payments can be made in two installments, one in each year, however the second payment must still be made in the event of a withdrawal at any time in during the two-year period. Payments can be made by an organisation or individual.

In the event of maternity, health and sickness leave or other extenuating circumstances, we will offer you the opportunity to defer your place to a future BLA cohort, a partial reimbursement of funds may be considered and reviewed on a case by case basis.

Travel and accommodation 

Travel expenses to and from in-person workshops can be reimbursed by Big Education for costs above £30 only, where the cost of travelling exceeds £30. You will be required to pay up to £30 and will be reimbursed for the remaining fee. We strongly recommend booking train tickets a minimum of 3 months in advance of in-person workshops, as dates and locations of workshops will be set well in advance.

Big Education will reimburse expenses incurred up to £150 for accommodation, for anyone with a journey time exceeding 2 hours to the location of the in-person workshop, for the minimum number of nights required to stay. If your accommodation exceeds £150 you will be required to pay the excess.

To reimburse payments we will require proof of purchase (a receipt) and payments will be made to your designated bank account within six weeks.

Intellectual property and nondisclosure

Big Education Trust will provide to and discuss with certain information and tools which are non-public, confidential, proprietary in nature, and have important commercial value. In order to prevent such disclosure, we will ask you to read and sign a nondisclosure agreement to take steps to protect against the unauthorised disclosure of such information before starting the BLA.


If you are successful getting on to the programme you’ll be asked to sign a ‘Letter of Agreement’ confirming you have understood and are happy to proceed. We will require a third party signature to sign this letter, this is to ensure you are supported in your commitment to the programme and with covering the cost over the two-year period, where this is applicable.

For more information on our policies, please visit Big Education policies.

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You are not yet enrolled in any courses. If you opted to Pay by Invoice on checkout, you will be enrolled once we have received payment, details of which can be found in your original order email.