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Leadership and Strategic Communication Playbook

Culture of innovationMaking change with the communityPlaybookRelationships and behaviours

The pandemic has made one aspect of our leadership even more important: communication.

Get it right and we can build a great team spirit and sense of community to get through a crisis and build strong next steps. Get it wrong and people feel vulnerable, unsupported, confused and as a result angry or unhappy.

At times it has appeared as if the government is offering a masterclass in how not to communicate successfully: a lack of transparency, decisions taken late, confusion
in how things are explained, a lack of empathy in how and when decisions are communicated.

As leaders of schools we have learnt a lot in the last few months about how to communicate with a range of stakeholders. The aim of good communication in these times is clear: to bring as much clarity as possible, to reassure and to build a sense of community particularly for those who are the most anxious and vulnerable.

What follows are some insights from a range of peopleĀ – with a lot of experience from politics, government, large organisations – and including those who have written blogs for Learning from Lockdown. We hope this will help you navigate the next phase.

About the author

Peter Hyman

Co-founder of School 21

Peter is the co-founder and the first headteacher of School 21, a pioneering 4 to 18 school that opened in Stratford, East London in 2012. The school has a growing reputation for developing oracy (speaking) skills having set up Voice 21, a charity working with more than 400 schools across the country. It has also developed sophisticated programmes for real world learning and wellbeing.For nine years to 2003, Peter worked as a strategist and speechwriter to the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. He left to become a teaching assistant in a challenging Islington school, before training as a history teacher and working his way up to become a headteacher. He is author of 1 out of 10, from Downing Street Vision to Classroom Reality.

Important information

Who is this playbook aimed at?

Leaders of schools who now need to both strategise and communicate that strategy effectively. As leaders of schools we have learnt a lot in the last few months about how to communicate with a range of stakeholders. The aim of good communication in these times is clear: to bring as much clarity as possible, to reassure and to build a sense of community particularly for those who are the most anxious and vulnerable.

How does this course contribute to a Big Education?

Building a Big Education relies on effective communication which enables a great team spirit and sense of community. Get it wrong and people feel vulnerable, unsupported, confused and as a result angry or unhappy.

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Leadership and Strategic Communication Playbook


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