St Mary’s Catholic Primary School


Approach overview

St Mary’s is a forward thinking and vibrant school where pupils are enthusiastic and motivated to achieve endless possibilities. Our children are at the heart of every decision we make as we want them to be happy, safe and able to learn. We provide opportunities that are relevant to their needs both now and in the future.

Lessons at St Mary’s are engaging and carefully planned to ensure children are encouraged to ‘know more and remember more’. We use Kagan strategies so children participate well and are active learners. We promote a language rich environment, develop deep thinking and use Thinking Maps to help children organise their thoughts. Children at St Mary’s develop a thirst for learning, they become curious about the world around them and have memorable learning experiences.

Here at St Mary’s, we have high aspirations of all and place no ceiling on learning. Where children need further support, this is offered on the same day so children do not fall behind. Our school values are promoted every day so that children live out our mission to ‘let their light shine’.

The Catholic life of the school shines out through high quality RE teaching, a strong Chaplaincy Team, uplifting collective worship and our school charity work. At the centre of everything that we do are the messages and teachings of Jesus. Through his example, we strive to make St Mary’s a happy and joyful place to be ~ a school where everyone can let their light shine.

Signature practices

Kagan structures to enable collaborative learning

Thinking Maps to help children organise their thoughts

A values led approach

Why we joined the Next Big 10

We are passionate about making a difference to children’s lives. Sometimes this means thinking outside the box to innovate and find creative solutions. The Big 10 Change project was the perfect opportunity to allow us to connect with like-minded schools all over the country. What an amazing chance to collaborate with others and allow us to bring fresh ideas into our school for the benefit of the whole school community.
Nicola Brown, Headteacher
As a teacher, I was so excited to engage in the Big 10 Change project. It fuels my desire to break free from conventional boundaries and explore innovative, creative solutions in teaching. Embracing a mindset that thinks outside the box, I am committed to shaping an educational experience that not only empowers but also inspires a love for learning in every child.
Emma Williamson, Teacher

St Mary’s Catholic Primary School's Change Team

Nicola Brown


Emma Williamson


Kathryn Holmes


Katie Shires


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