School 21

4 to 18 school

Approach overview

School 21 is a pioneering 4 to 18 school in Stratford, East London, for children from all backgrounds.

Part of the Big Education Trust, School 21 operates with the conviction that schools need to ensure a focus on Head (academic success), Heart (character and well-being) and Hand (generating ideas, problem solving, making a difference). We are committed to empowering young people to take on the world, and to the development of innovative practices to change the shape of education in the UK.

School 21 has developed a series of pedagogies and approaches that give students the chance to find their voice, develop deep knowledge and understanding, and create beautiful work that has real value beyond the classroom. School 21 is driven by values. We have spent a lot of time refining our values, delving into their meaning and making them anchors for the actions of staff and students on their 4 to 18 journey.

School 21 is the birthplace of Voice 21.

Signature practices

School 21's testimonials

Why we joined the Next Big 10

"We believe in doing things differently and challenging the status quo. We are committed to innovating with rigour and are relishing working with other schools in the Big 10 coalition - a group of schools that are curious and brave enough to approach things from different angles and to think outside of the box."
Moray Dickson, Headteacher

Video case studies

Video case study 1

Oracy: talk for learning, talk for life

Video case study 2

Real World Learning: empowering work experience

School 21's Change Team

Moray Dickson

Headteacher, School 21

Amy Weerasekera

Assistant Headteacher

Nisha Nembhrard

Assistant Headteacher

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