Atelier 21 Future School

All through, independent

Approach overview

Our school enables high levels of self directed learning, facilitates student agency and fosters innovation, curiosity and creativity which help young people compete, contribute and thrive in our ever-changing modern world. Our school is the UK’s first Reggio Emilia inspired, enquiry-based learning, Future School for 4-16 years and we offer the International Baccalaureate in our senior school which ensures our pupils build 21st Century skills, a broader range of knowledge and interests and the dispositions that young people need to compete and thrive.

Signature practices

  • Developing a culture of self-adjustment amongst teachers which mirrors the pupil model.

Atelier 21 Future School's testimonials

Why we joined the Next Big 10

As a pioneering school aiming to change one million children’s lives to start, we are passionate about exploring the reality gap between what traditional schools offer in relation to the future skills young people need to thrive. Being a part of The Next Big 10 is a great opportunity for us to be a part of changing education to make it fit for our children’s futures, not our past!
Hayley Peacock, Founder and Head of School
Being a part of a movement championing genuine change in education is exciting. The Next Big 10 aligns perfectly with our commitment to fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a love of learning. We can’t wait to lead the way in transforming education for the better.
Jessica Ringwood, Teaching Partner

Video case studies

Video case study 1

International Baccalaureate instead of GCSEs

Video case study 2

Project Based Learning

Atelier 21 Future School's Change Team

Hayley Peacock

Founder and Head of School

Becci Gooding

Head teacher

Matt Patrick

Assistant Head Teacher

Jessica Ringwood

Teaching partner

Gloria Gomezbarrera

Teaching Partner

Charlotte Bateman

Managing director

Kerry Smith

Head of Adults' and Children’s Learning

Staff login

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