Thanks to the generous support of the Edge Foundation, School 21 has been able to develop a toolkit for anyone looking at implementing a similar programme in their own organisation. We are delighted to offer you this toolkit as part of this course.

You can download the toolkit here:

Activity One

We will be using this toolkit as a ‘grounding text’ throughout this course. Feel free to read ahead and explore the whole document, but there is no expectation that you will do this ahead of the first live webinar. However, before the session, we would like you to read pages 1-4.

Activity Two

We also want to tailor this course as much as possible to you and what you want to achieve. Therefore, in advance of the live webinar, please could you fill in this form:

Staff login

Your courses

You are not yet enrolled in any courses. If you opted to Pay by Invoice on checkout, you will be enrolled once we have received payment, details of which can be found in your original order email.