At Big Education, we believe that fundamental change only happens when there is a foundation of strong relationships. Fundamental, long-lasting changes can only be made in organisations in which there is a high level of trust.
So, how do we build trust? This is obviously a complex and long term process. However, one way to start building this straight away as through a process called ‘connecting’. Connecting allows people the opportunity to get to know you as a whole person, rather than just a professional. It is a chance to share your motivations, your passions or your worries. It might take the form of sharing something about you growing up, your family or how you spend your free time.
At Big Education and our schools, we aim to build an element of ‘connecting’ into every meeting or event – this is a chance for the people in our organisations to get to know each other and start (or continue) the process of building trust. In the video below, Big Education co-Director, Liz Robinson explores the ‘what, why and how’ of ‘connecting’.
Now, to start the process of connecting with our cohort, please introduce yourself, your motivations for joining this course and any questions you have in our community feed here.