In this section we invite you to read the research, theories and concepts underpinning the Big 8, and what these tell us about our leadership foundations.

We recognise that some people will really enjoy and get a lot out of engaging with this in advance of the workshops and some may prefer to attend the workshops and come back to this later. This stage is therefore optional and you are welcome to revisit this at a later date.

Reading – part one; What are the Big 8? The research and theoretical underpinning, page 1-28
Estimated reading time – 40 minutes.

Reading – part two; Wider research on the Big 8, specifically focussing on human psychology, leadership, self-awareness and the brain, page 28-36
Estimated reading time – 15 minutes.

Click here to read The Big 8 pre read paper

We encourage you to re-visit these papers throughout your leadership journey, to further embed your learning and deepen your practice and understanding.

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