The Schools

This project brings together groups of schools committed to providing a more holistic education for pupils and a better working experience for staff. The project supports these schools to have a greater voice in the system, and enables them to develop material to support the implementation of innovative practice and a Head, Heart, Hand approach to education, both within their own schools and beyond.

Alexandra Primary School

As soon as I heard about the NB10 I knew I wanted Alexandra to join and have the opportunity to collaborate with and learn from innovative and successful schools who are leading change in the system. As head, it’s exciting and motivating to belong to a group of courageous and creative school leaders and work towards the vision of a Big Education for all our pupils.
Stephanie Clarke, Head Teacher

Atelier 21 Future School

As a pioneering school aiming to change one million children’s lives to start, we are passionate about exploring the reality gap between what traditional schools offer in relation to the future skills young people need to thrive. Being a part of The Next Big 10 is a great opportunity for us to be a part of changing education to make it fit for our children’s futures, not our past!
Hayley Peacock, Founder and Head of School

Churchfield Primary School

We believe that having access to a high-quality education is a birth-right, and in order to achieve this for every child, schools need to be uncompromisingly innovative and forward thinking, in order that teachers can easily make a difference. The Next Big 10 means that we are surrounded by like-minded educators who wish to challenge the norms in education. It is a fantastic opportunity to collaborate and share.
Natalie Lorkins - Headteacher

Drew Primary School

The opportunity to collaborate with and learn alongside colleagues from across the country in order to research, trial and develop new practices was too good to pass up! Life in school can feel like such a hamster wheel, that often the operational ends up taking precedence. However, being part of the Next Big 10 allows us protected time to think deeply and move slowly in order to steer away from the reactive towards building sustainable change that positively impacts both children and staff.
Dulcie Sharp, Headteacher

Hanover Primary School

I increasingly felt that recent education policy was causing pupils to feel negative about school, and that their natural desire to learn was being destroyed. It was also driving great teachers out of the system. We knew that there had to be a better way! So we’re really excited to be joining the Next Big Ten to help develop an alternative pathway through the school system which allows children to enjoy their education, learn enthusiastically, and also better meets their varying needs.
Polly Shields, Headteacher

Kensington Primary School

We have been considering what a ‘21st century education’ should be for some time now. Thinking differently can be lonely. We were excited to join a group of educators who are all thinking differently and sharing their experiences of what is working in their trusts and schools.
Ben Levinson, Executive Headteacher

Ladybridge High School

We joined the NB10 to learn with and from other educators who believe that it’s possible to provide an exciting, engaging education that prepares young people for life. Within the constraints of the current education system schools can be fearful of doing things differently. We are keen to collaborate with schools that are curious and confident enough to provide more than the narrow band of knowledge that is required for success in examinations.
Paddy Russell, Headteacher

Latymer Upper School

Latymer is very excited to be working with like-minded schools on the Rethinking Schools project. We already have very exciting plans for significant change in our school which we hope will ultimately benefit many more pupils than just those that attend Latymer. We hope that by working with other schools we can refine our ideas further but also gain from their expertise in enacting and implementing change.
Su Wijeratna - Head

Matthew Moss High School

At Matthew Moss we believe that everything starts with the learner and that education should prepare learners for a life of learning that is both satisfying to themselves and of significant value to society. Being part of NB10, a wider community that wants to make a difference, provides opportunities for collaboration, shared learning and improving practices to make a positive impact on our young people.
Chris Jennings, Headteacher

Park Community School

Next Big 10 offers us the opportunity to work with other schools who see the school curriculum as a way to help children find something they love to do alongside teaching the basics we all need to succeed in life.
Chris Anders, Headteacher

Pinner Wood School

We have been working with Big Education for a number of years and shared their driving vision for a bigger education for all children. It has been exciting to work with like-minded schools, sharing fabulous, innovative ideas that can support children in today’s ever changing world. We have been able to involve teachers across the school and at different points in their careers. We have collaborated on a number of projects that will benefit not only our school, but education across all the Big 10 schools, and developed leaders in our school to continue to bring about our own vision.
Sarah Marriott, Headteacher

School 21

"We believe in doing things differently and challenging the status quo. We are committed to innovating with rigour and are relishing working with other schools in the Big 10 coalition - a group of schools that are curious and brave enough to approach things from different angles and to think outside of the box."
Moray Dickson, Headteacher

School 360

We know there’s another way to approach education - we are doing things differently and it’s making a difference. We wanted to work with schools like us to learn from them and to continue to develop our practices in the way we know is right for pupils, parents and staff and Next Big 10 has enabled us to to just that.
Andi Silvain, Headteacher

Steiner Academy Hereford

We are very excited to be a part of Rethinking Schools. We are looking forward to sharing our educational approach and learning from other schools. We are seeking to deliver a strong Waldorf education that meets the need of children and young learners in today’s world. Our dynamic leadership team is developing and learning to lead with heart felt integrity. We hope this project is exactly what we need to strengthen our practice, deliver change and tell our story
Kate Andrews, Principal

Surrey Square Primary School

The Next Big 10 provides challenge, inspiration and support; giving us the opportunity to work alongside other schools who share our commitment to developing an offer for pupils that is more fit for purpose.
Matt Morden, Co-Headteacher

The King Alfred School

Being part of the Next Big 10 gives us the opportunity to learn from, share with, and develop alongside other amazing schools. Being part of this network definitely enriches our staff and school, and beyond this, gives a powerful voice to those of us who want to see a more enlightened education system in this country.
Robert Lobatto, Headteacher

Thornbury Primary School

As a school, part of our culture is always to strive to be our best, along with staff being drivers of their own learning. We seek to provide a curriculum that not only is knowledge rich but is also experience and development rich, where children can thrive and develop as ‘whole’ people. The NB10 is a wonderful opportunity to combine these aims and values, along with sharing with, and learning from, other like minded colleagues at the cutting edge of education.
Claire Hardisty, Headteacher and Trust Learning Community Lead

Wapping High School

We have been working with Big Education very closely for several years now and many colleagues/leaders have benefited from a range of programs so far offered. The attraction of Next Big 10 has been working with a group of like-minded schools who can share what they feel is their USP. Colleagues, including me, are finding it hugely beneficial being a part of a range of working groups that will fundamentally improve the education of the children we serve as well as driving forward real and meaningful change in the sector.
Tom Raw, Head of School

Wyborne Primary School

Working in Education, you are always learning, growing and evolving your practice. Early in your career, you are taught the plan/do/review cycle, and it never ends. It is important to us as a school that we avoid silo thinking and collaborate with other forward-thinking schools to be education pioneers. Having been on the Big 8 - Empowering Leadership Training, I knew that joining the rethinking school programme would provide us with opportunities to work with like-minded colleagues and discover new and exciting practices to inform the work we are doing as part of our strategic school improvement plan.
Robyn Heath, Deputy Headteacher

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