Professional Development

For learners to thrive, educators must too.

Our opportunities in numbers

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Short courses

Transformative opportunities for bringing about thriving, ground breaking schools

The Big 8

Unlocking your leadership potential

The Big 8 is a transformative course that helps education leaders build a supportive, relational culture. With a focus on powerful communication, growth mindset, and personal vulnerability, the Big 8 is your gateway to leading powerfully connected teams.

Starting Your Big Leadership Adventure (Jan – July ’25)

This course is designed for middle leaders. It covers topics such as building connections, understanding personal values, effective teamwork, conflict management, giving and receiving feedback, and time management skills. The course will equip participants with the tools and knowledge they need to be successful leaders.
Andi Silvain & Matt Morden
Big Education Trust School Heads

Creating a Culture of Wellbeing and Belonging, March ’25

This programme supports leaders to consider strategies to improve their own wellbeing, as well as that of students and staff and to consider the importance of wellbeing to creating a learning culture.
Nicola Noble
Co-Headteacher, Surrey Square Primary

(Re)connecting leadership

We are delighted to be hosting a very special workshop as a part of our continuing exploration of the leadership space. And this workshop is focused on precisely that; space. We are thrilled to be collaborating with Margarita Zafrilla, an artist, dancer and philosopher, to host this unique event.
Margarita Zafrilla

Longer programmes

Unlock your leadership potential and shape the future of education

Big Education Leadership Programme Logo

Big Education

Leadership Programme

The Big Education Leadership Programme brings together headteachers, school leaders and leaders of education in a welcoming and safe space to explore ways in which we can solve the persistent and challenging problems that exist within education. 

Rethinking School

Whole school transformation

Rethinking School is a two year whole school transformation project for schools who want to develop innovative education practices alongside like-minded schools, and to shout louder about the possibility of doing education differently.

Engage with our ongoing projects

As part of our work 'on' the system, we have developed several projects that are seeking to make change. We are always looking for new partners to get involved and contribute to this work.

Rethinking Assessment is making the argument for change through case studies, analysis, evidence and thoughtful blogs and provide workable solutions, practical ideas and approaches to make assessment fairer, broader and more equitable.

Rethinking Leadership calls for a shift in leadership development, advocating for approaches that prioritize creating expansive educational opportunities for all young people.

Old Kent Road Family Zone works with the community to positively impact the wellbeing & lives of children, young people and their families, by building connectedness, self-efficacy and hope.

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