Think about your work experience as a student. What did you learn? What skills did you develop? How did it impact your future? For many of us work experience was a week or two of menial tasks like making cups of tea. At School 21 we wanted to give our students a real world experience, which would actually have an impact on their future. That’s why we developed the Real World Learning Programme. Through participating in this course you too will have the tools to implement a more holistic and authentic learning experience to students and create lasting and impactful partnerships in your community.
This course will provide:
- Chance to speak to students who have experienced it
- Chance to speak to an employer
- Learning from our expertise
- Network of like-minded changemakers
- Chance to experience the launch of School21’s RWLP as it happens!
This course is both informative and practical and will allow you to start planning a RWLP, connect with Big Education for further support, and join a community with other schools and professionals running RWLPs.
Our aims
- Understanding the logistics and complexities of the the RWLP
- Developing a strategy for implementation in your context
- How to sell RWLP internally and externally
- How to work with employers to plan projects
- Leave with the task of planning your first project!
Community and follow-up network
By participating in this course you will have access to the current Programme Manager for Real World Learning at School 21 and the ability to join a community of practitioners aiming to implement Real World Learning in their contxts. You will have the chance to meet students who have participated in the programme, and hear from employers about the benefits and challenges of partnering with a school. This course will allow you to become part of the Big Education community, and even witness the launch of RWLP at School 21 next academic year.
Course output: resource pack
Throughout the course you will be supported to create a final resource pack which will support you to actually implement a form of Real World Learning into your school community. By the end of the course you will have created:
- A unique strategy and timeline for your RWLP
- A pitch presentation that can be given internally to SLT and staff, or externally to potential partner organisations and employers
- A sample project plan which has been collaboratively created with an employer
Key dates and links:
- Wed November 3, 2021 (16:00-17:30) – Webinar 1
Meeting ID: 873 3889 3646
Passcode: zT223N
- Wed November 24, 2021 (16:00-17:30)– Webinar 2
Meeting ID: 823 9610 4227
Passcode: iY7fg9
- Wed December 15, 2021 (16:00-17:30)– Webinar 3
Meeting ID: 832 9623 6446
Passcode: GU3b1X
We really hope you enjoy the course!