Finally for a few practical things..

The table below shows the upcoming sessions in year one of the programme, including dates, times and the method of delivery.

You’ll notice that we will be coming together face to face in London at the start, and at a mid point to connect in person. As we are running a national cohort the other sessions will be delivered online to ensure everyone is able to attend.

Whilst we have tried to give you as much information as possible, this agenda is not 100% fixed. It’s important that we are agile and able to tailor the programme to the cohort as much as possible throughout.

Please save these dates in your diary and protect this time.

The dates for year two will be released early next year.

What happens next?

You will receive an email from us when the pre work for the ‘Big 8 Leadership Foundations’ course is available and further information about our three days together in London. If you are travelling from far outside of London we will be in touch to organise accommodation and travel.

Please get in touch if you have any questions at

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You are not yet enrolled in any courses. If you opted to Pay by Invoice on checkout, you will be enrolled once we have received payment, details of which can be found in your original order email.