The Big Education Leadership Programme is now in its fifth year, and alumni are clear that it is transformative to their thinking and action and exceeded their expectations.

Participant leaders on the Big Education Leadership Programme say that it makes a powerful difference to them through the learning and development experience as well as to those in their immediate sphere of influence.

Alumni found that the programme is especially impactful on:

Finding and displaying their authentic selves

Building powerful teams

Questioning how they can make the biggest difference

Generating new thinking

Questioning the purpose of education

Solving thorny problems

Read our full impact report

Through its philosophy (curriculum), values, intended participants, design principles, learning processes and stated outcomes in its theory of change, The Big Education Leadership Programme is a uniquely different programme. Its evaluation, consequently, has aimed to capture and explore its intent and impacts it is working to achieve.

The benefits

Thoughts from our alumni

It gave me the confidence to lead being authentic and hold my values at the centre of everything I did.

I wanted to be challenged and stretched in my thinking and provoked in my strategic thinking for my organisation – and I was.

It was a journey – personal and thinking about the educational sector more broadly and thinking about our roles – together united we could enact change.

I always knew I had passion and a different approach. It’s given me confidence – not in isolation – to challenge and push back on an educational model not fit for purpose.

Leadership Programme

Key information

Applications close: 27 September, 2023

Who the programme is for: Headteachers and senior leaders working in schools and other types of education organisations

Practicalities: One year programme, with eight in-person full day workshops. Optional year two modules available

Start date: Oct 2024

Location: South of England / London

Cost:£1,995 (one year), £1495 (optional second year)

How to apply: Complete a short online application form

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