Why do we think that racism is truly disgusting but we never put a stop to it?

A letter to the powerful from a Year 5 pupil during lockdown

Surya Brown

Year 5 pupil

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter about equal opportunities and treatment towards everyone, not just one religion or race.

We all know that racism is there but the question is……

Do we REALLY know racism is here?

Why do all the little things which have no importance get reported a number of times but the things that everyone needs to know and understand are not?

How come it is always the same thing over and over again?

And why d0 we think that racism is truly disgusting but we never put a stop to it?

I am convinced that many are frightened to stand up for their religion, rights and race. This is a common disease. I have heard many cases. You get bullied. You think it’s because you have done something wrong or taken away friends from someone, or being popular or simply being you.

Later on you realise that there was only one right reason out of what you thought it was…

You were being you.

Sooner or later you make a very common mistake.

You rub out the most important things in the story.

You add the wrong ingredient to the soup.

Sooner or later you make a very common mistake.

You stop being you for all the wrong reasons.

You make yourself block the ability to express yourself and stop doing all the things that you love.

For all the WRONG reasons,

you brush aside all the things you love and make that situation worse than it should be. But you simply didn’t know.

Racism is something that can change your life. You start to feel more self-conscious about your decisions and instead make the wrong ones. Without knowing.

I am asking you, Sir or Madam, to help others or at least make room to fit one column in the newspapers about racism and how to deal with it.

Because the decision you make could change the life of a victim who experiences racism.

The way they speak, think and most importantly their decisions.

Sometimes some people who experience racism decide that they are not needed or a waste of time and space.

Some choose the choice of committing suicide because they are getting bullied for who they are, so please Sir or Madam…

Help these innocent people.

Help them to live an exciting life.

Help them live a FULL life.

Kind regards,

Miss Brown

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